Setting up a ‘Meet Up’…

For the last year or so, I’ve been trying to attend more Tech related events in my area, as we know, a tech community only thrives when people engage with it. In Sunderland, there is an excellent monthly meetup, creatively named, Sunderland Digital (link), however, in the North East of England, as of 2018, there wasn’t much in the way of a Data nor Business Intelligence community.

Flash forward to February 2019, and, I am now co-organising the first Qlik Meetup in the North East… the snappily named… North East England Qlik & Business Intelligence Meetup – which is proof of the above, a community only thrives when one engages with it!

As we progress on with the planning etc, I plan on blogging on what went well, what didn’t go so well, and what to think about if you are considering creating your own Meetup, or getting involved with a Meetup.

Anyway… our first event will be held on May 8th, and the speakers line-up looks something like this:

Meetup #1 Image

For more info, or to RSVP to the event, see here > 

Until then, stay safe and keep on being canny with your data!